Now I'm going to switch gears and talk about finding actual COURTHOUSE RECORDS which can include VITAL-BIRTH, DEATH, MARRIAGE RECORDS, PROBATES, LAND RECORDS, etc. Not many of these court records are online which means you may have to write to a court clerk or visit a courthouse sometime to further your research or hire a local genealogist to do that for you.
Addresses of Courthouses can be found on or with GOOGLE.
(Coryell Texas Courthouse below where my husband was born and raised.)

SUMMARY OF RECORDS available online, in Court houses and/or other places like libraries
1. LOCALITY records-censuses, histories of towns, counties, states, regions, etc.
2. VITAL RECORDS-marriage, death, birth, adoption, etc., kept in counties+towns, some online, varies by state or area when and how they collected info.
3. COURT RECORDS-probate, land, tax and adoption records, divorce, citizenship, naturalization papers, etc.
4. CHURCH RECORDS-can have vital records: births, deaths, marriages, confirmations, baptisms, etc.
5. BIOGRAPHIES-can be found in county and town histories and other local collections
6. MAPS-plat maps, etc. It's fun to find where your ancestors lived and walk on their land.
7. NEWSPAPERS-obituaries, marriages, etc-lots of digital newspapers on-line, do google search by areas-country, state, county and some towns have local papers with archives.
8. CEMETERY and funeral home records-may need to write to get these, check death certificates for where buried.
9. MILITARY RECORDS-many ancestors were involved in wars, Google search+, and
10. CITY DIRECTORIES and old telephone books-good for unusual last names, find in libraries
11. ORGANIZATIONS-State, County Historical Libraries and local Historical Societies can have good local genealogy collections.